Friday, September 26, 2014

Overnights with the Twins

I'm currently doing overnights for newborn twins, and the experience is
downright magical!

Watching these two little sweeties sleeping next to each other is adorable; to think they
have been together since conception is amazing.
They wake during the night at the same time and feeding them both is a breeze. 
The trick is having their heads in the correct position in the glider, and my arms fit comfortably around to hold the bottle in their eager little mouths.
Time to burp? No problem!
Each twin fits perfectly on my upper chest, while my hands gently massage their backs. 

I'm honored to be assisting their wonderful parents, who need a good nights sleep a few times per week. They need to be on their toes for the twins two older siblings.

postpartum doula rhode island
Do you need overnight care for your newborn?
If a friend or relative is expecting, my overnight doula service is a great gift.